Easy Pancake

How about preparing pancakes for your kids in the morning? Let them help you decorate them with fresh strawberries, blueberries and a squeeze of chocolate syrup! It’s easy and fun!

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  • EASY
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  • To prepare the batter:

  • 2 eggs

  • 30g melted butter

  • 300ml milk

  • 1½ cups flour

  • 1 tbsp. sugar

  • 1 tbsp. baking powder

  • Butter for greasing the pan

  • To serve:

  • American Garden chocolate syrup

  • 5 Strawberries cut in halves

  • 1 sliced banana

  • 3 blueberries


  • To prepare the batter: in a big bowl, mix together the dry ingredients (flour, sugar and baking powder).

  • In a small bowl, lightly beat the eggs using a fork.

  • Add the beaten eggs, melted butter and milk to the dry ingredients. Mix until combined.

  • Preheat a pan and grease with butter.

  • Pour ¼ cup of batter inside the pan. Tilt the pan to get a perfectly round pancake.

  • Flip the pancake when the bottom turns brown. Leave it for an additional minute.

  • Repeat the same process with the remaining batter.

  • To serve: create a circle around the pancakes with strawberry slices.

  • Use the banana slices and the blueberries to make the eyes and the nose.

  • Draw the mouth with chocolate syrup.

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