Grilled sweet potato

This is a different way to prepare sweet potatoes, that are tasty and easy to prepare, and ideal for serving meals as a side dish or as a type of appetizer.

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  • 2 medium-sized sliced sweet potato

  • 1½ teaspoon ground cumin

  • Salt and pepper – Optional

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • ¼ Cups American Garden ketchup

  • ¼ Cups American Garden mayonnaise


  • pre-heat the grill on medium heat

  • Place the sweet potato, olive oil, salt and pepper, and cumin in a medium bowl and stir them well.

  • Grill each side for 4 minutes, or until tender with grilled marks, and approx.
    8 – 10 minutes until fully equipped by the thickness of the slice.

  • Once the sweet potato is ready, Serve it with ketchup and mayonnaise as side sauces.

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