Chicken Mayo Sandwich

Simple, delicious, flavorful, and easy to prepare. It’s the ideal snack.

The chicken mayonnaise sandwich is a timeless absolute classic! We’re convinced that this is the best chicken mayo sandwich recipe, so pay close attention.

This recipe has a few extra ingredients that will totally change your opinion on the classic Chicken Mayo Sandwich forever.

While it is a simple and quick recipe to follow, it will help you in transforming your standard sandwich into something exceptional.

We guarantee you’ll be craving bite after bite!

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  • 10m
  • 2
  • EASY
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  • 2 slices of bread

  • ½ to ¾ cup of chicken (shredded or minced)

  • 1 teaspoon butter (for toasting bread if needed)

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

  • 1 tablespoon garlic

  • 1 pinch of red chili powder

  • 1 pinch of spice powder

  • 3 tablespoons of American’s Garden original mayonnaise

  • 1 tablespoon of American Garden’s mustard

  • ¼ tablespoon pepper

  • Salt (as needed)

  • 2 to 4 tablespoons of onions

  • Coriander sprigs


  • Heat a little oil and garlic in a frying pan. Then add minced or chopped chicken pieces.

  • Add a pinch of salt and continue cooking until the chicken is done. Add the seasonings you like. We usually add a little spice with a pinch of red chili powder.

  • While chicken is cooking, combine American Garden’s original mayonnaise, finely ground pepper, and American Garden’s mustard in a medium mixing bowl.

  • Then add the onions and coriander leaves and stir them. (You can also add a little lemon juice and olive oil if you like).

  • Add the cooked chicken to a mixing bowl and mix all the ingredients together.

  • Place it on the bread and enjoy!

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