Garlic Sauce Recipe

The best thing about this recipe is that you can prepare it in 10 minutes! Discover this delicious garlic dip and serve it with your favorite chicken barbecue and vegetables. You will absolutely love it!

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  • ‎2 large whole garlics

  • ‎4 tbsp American Garden U.S. Mayonnaise

  • ‎2 tbsp olive oil

  • ‎¼ cup water‎

  • ‎½ tsp salt

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  • Peel the garlic heads and place them in a food processor. Pour in the water and season with ‎salt.‎

  • Mix ingredients until well combined, while carefully adding the olive oil through the food ‎processor’s lid.‎

  • Place the garlic mixture in a mixing bowl. Add American Garden mayonnaise, stir thoroughly ‎until ingredients are well combined then serve.‎

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