Potato salad

Potato salad is a classic recipe that you can prepare for any occasion. Better served chilled, it’s perfect for a quick lunch or a filling dinner.

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  • 20m
  • 4
  • EASY
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  • 4 medium potatoes

  • 2 eggs

  • ½ cup American Garden sweet gherkins

  • ½ cup radishes

  • ¼ cup chopped parsley

  • ¼ cup American Garden mayonnaise

  • Salt & Black Pepper


  • Cook potatoes without peeling them in a large pot of boiling salted water. When tender but still firm, drain them and leave aside to cool.

  • In a small saucepan, place the eggs and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 to 12 minutes. Remove from hot water and leave to cool.

  • Peel and chop the potatoes and eggs and place in a large bowl.

  • Chop the gherkins and slice the radishes. Add to the bowl along with the chopped parsley. Season with salt and pepper then add the mayonnaise.

  • Mix all ingredients together and refrigerate for an hour before serving.

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