Grilled Salmon Recipe

You won’t get enough of these mouthwatering salmon steaks. Learn how to perfectly grill salmon slices with their skin on and serve this tasty recipe to your family and friends!

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  • 16m
  • 4
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  • ‎700 g Salmon Fillet, sliced ‎

  • ‎¼ cup American Garden Italian dressing

  • ‎2 tsp American Garden Soy sauce – Classic

  • ‎¼ tsp fresh ginger, finely chopped

  • ‎¼ tsp salt‎

  • ‎¼ tsp black pepper‎


  • In a mixing bowl, combine American Garden Italian Dressing with American Garden Soy sauce and fresh ginger. ‎Season with salt and black pepper.‎

  • Brush the bottom and skin of each salmon slice with the Italian Dressing mixture. ‎

  • Grill salmon slices skin down for 6 to 8 min per side. Place in a serving dish and enjoy with your ‎family and friends!‎

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