Peanut Butter French Toast

A super yummy and super quick snack using very few ingredients! Give this peanut butter and jelly toast a try. Not only will your kids love it, but your whole family and house guests will be dazzled as well!

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  • 5m
  • 10
  • EASY
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  • ‎3 Eggs‎

  • ‎2 Tsp Vanilla Extract‎

  • ‎1 ½ Tsp ground cinnamon‎

  • ‎¾ Cup Milk‎

  • ‎10 Bread slices

  • ‎1 cup American Garden peanut butter with strawberry jelly

  • Powdered sugar ‎

  • ‎1 Small banana, sliced ‎

  • Butter for greasing

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  • In a shallow dish, beat eggs, vanilla extract and cinnamon then stir in milk.‎

  • Dip bread slices in the egg mixture until every side is coated.‎

  • Grease a non-stick pan. Cook the bread slices while making sure both sides are browned.

  • Spread a small amount of peanut butter with strawberry jelly on each toast.‎

  • Top the toasts with powdered sugar and garnish with banana slices.

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