Shrimp Salad

This barbecue season, surprise your lovely family with an incomparable recipe that will surely take their breath away! So why not try this super tasty grilled Shrimp Salad using our delicious Italian dressing?

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  • 7m
  • 4
  • EASY
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  • ‎20 fresh shrimps‎

  • ‎¾ cup American Garden Italian Dressing‎

  • ‎25 cherry tomatoes, halved‎

  • ‎1 cup watermelon cubes

  • ‎200 g feta cheese‎

  • ‎1 cup whole leaf basil‎

  • ‎1 cup whole leaf arugula


  • Peel and devein shrimps. Toss them in a mixing bowl with ½ cup of American Garden Italian ‎Dressing and marinate for 15 min.‎

  • Skewer the marinated shrimps and grill for 7 min, switching sides halfway through the process.‎

  • Arrange cherry tomatoes, watermelon cubes, feta cheese, basil and arugula in a serving dish. ‎Top with shrimp skewers, drizzle with the remaining Italian dressing and serve.‎

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