Turkish Grilled Potato

Everyone loves a perfectly baked potato. Popular street food in Turkey, Kumpir, this stuffed potato recipe is quick and easy to make. Once off the charcoal grill, you will find a soft potato, mixed with a dollop of butter and cheese melt in your mouth. Enjoy the delicious Baked Potato recipe around a campfire with your family and friends!

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  • 1h 0m
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  • ‎1 cup pickled red cabbage‎

  • 8 American Garden Chicken Vienna Sausages

  • ‎4 tbsp butter‎

  • ‎¼ cup cheddar cheese, shredded

  • ‎¼ cup mozzarella cheese, shredded

  • ‎½ cup American Garden U.S. Mayonnaise

  • ‎4 large-sized potatoes

  • ‎1 cup corn‎

  • ‎4 tsp salt

  • ‎1 tbsp vegetable oil

  • Arugula leaves, to garnish

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  • Fire up your charcoal grill. Lightly brush the grill grate with vegetable oil so the chicken sausages ‎won’t stick.

  • Grill American Garden Chicken Vienna sausages for 20 min over indirect heat. When the sausages are cooked, remove ‎them from the grill and slice them.‎

  • Wrap each potato with aluminium foil. Place directly on the coal and grill for 40 min, turning ‎packet over halfway through cook time.‎

  • Take the potatoes off the coal and cut them open. In each of the potatoes while they’re hot, ‎sprinkle a tsp of salt and add a spoonful of butter, cheddar and mozzarella cheese. Mix well to ‎combine ingredients.‎

  • Allow potatoes to cool a little bit then add a spoonful of American Garden U.S Mayonnaise on ‎top of each. Top with a spoonful of corn, few chicken sausage slices and a spoonful of pickled ‎red cabbage. ‎

  • Garnish with Arugula leaves and serve!‎

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